So, there are a million and a half ways to describe, define, quantify, qualify, identify, and sort the world, universe, or a blade of grass.
It's like a ribbon, it's like a string, it's like an atom, it's short, tall, green, blue, tubular, conical, the list goes on forever.
It would be simple and easy to spend life doing all of this beauracratic listing of important things in the cosmos.
But why?
Although psychology is often poo-pooed in the scientific world for being "soft" or being "psuedo", it has it's valuable insights. Almost every human endeavor is instilled in childhood, by nurture and nature. How we are born, raised, and grown. And every event in our lives culminates into who we are right now, in this very time and space. Neurogoly/psychology has also proven that the human mind doesn't perceive time in a linear fashion. Something like this is pretty fundamental, it makes perfect sense. The time we have fashioned is artificial. It is not an absolute. Western philosophy once believed the Earth is at the center of the Universe, and to some people it still is, if you think about it in an Earth-centric sort of way. We can't help it, as beings, we see things from our point of view first before we see it from another point of view.
Anyway, my philosophy is this: rather than spend all the time in one's life... I mean, we are animals. ANIMALS. We like to laugh. We like to enjoy ourselves. Explaining the universe with a mathematical theory is all fine and correct, but it just turns into an interpretation thing. Only the people with the knowledge of science can have the answers, and once again, a circle of interpretation through a talking head (like the Pope interpreting the Bible) happens again, and again, and again.
The system is cyclical. People's life spans are just so short they don't learn about or recognize the patterns. But all the evidence is there. Science is the new religion, and there are the "believers", the "non believers", the "literate" and the "illiterate". It's the time honored tradition of the human race.
People say, "Oh no, that doesn't happen. But it's so easy to blind ourselves to our follies."
I say life is meant to be laughed at. If you can't have a good sense of humor, life isn't worth much. And we want life to be worth something.
I believe that peace is in the world. It's like a great river that constantly flows around us, we just don't always have the guts to immerse ourselves and simply let go of the bank. To let go of the stony ground, although we may be gripping it until our hands seem like a part of it.
My ridiculous philosophy is that philosophy is ridiculous.
Why take things so seriously?
There's nothing for it but to be. And that's all. It's incredibly easy. Who cares if it's simplistic or seen as naive and stupid? Happiness, love, and peace are the only things worth all the pain. Why endure the pain longer than necessary?
Enough of the preachy, philosophical, ridiculous me.
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